PinnedSaeid RaeiRace Condition in Laravel: Save yourself from going BankruptRace condition generally is the situation when one thing is being done twice or more at the same time when it’s supposed to be done…Jan 7, 2023Jan 7, 2023
PinnedSaeid RaeiHow to apply Hexagonal/Clean/Onion architecture with only two changes to your symfony projecta proposal on how to follow Hexagonal/Clean/Onion architecture in symfony with minimum changes possibleAug 12, 20223Aug 12, 20223
PinnedSaeid RaeiRepository pattern the SOLID way in symfonysymfony’s default way of repository pattern is not so solid after all , here is a simple solution to that.Jul 30, 20224Jul 30, 20224
Saeid RaeiWhen to use and not to use Galera Cluster for scaling MySQLSoftware products often don’t alert you with their limitations upfront and most of the time you need to have the bigger picture while…Oct 25, 2022Oct 25, 2022
Saeid RaeiTop 5 lessons I learned about MySQL the hard way so you don’t have toHere’s some of the lessons I had to learn in production environment so you don’t have to pay the price of making the same mistakes.Sep 28, 20221Sep 28, 20221
Saeid RaeiSymfony Testing: using Repository pattern without connecting to databasea guide on how to test symfony without connecting to database using the repository patternAug 6, 20225Aug 6, 20225
Saeid RaeiWhy you can’t have a solid application using laravelwe are comparing how the ORM is being handled in laravel vs symfony.Jul 19, 20227Jul 19, 20227
Saeid RaeiHow to update PHP docker container with docker-composelets say php has release a security patch and you want to apply that to your docker container. you can follow this instructions to update…Nov 3, 2019Nov 3, 2019